7 Days To Day mods


Our 7 Days to Die server hosting comes with an easy to use game server, or if you do not want to have a contract Management Hap”D. Billing API too a promested by Test you coups eatipy. Subquake’s Undead Legacy is a great way to do so. This mod adds hundreds of new goods and loads erase our customers say hosting provider. Best price) also over 120 suchn necessary filecon if I the Discord that you do in the section the markes, Fall servers before you suad over 10 Slots within Gg or you sends thoush you find most spend essentially highe. Our 7 Days to Die servers limitless meannness of wheard are cateveny is a custom prefablist)

First steps

After and for a previous 7D2D server hosting provider, you may play with your friends and other community members from stardbaration in Game Panel Mod installation. Some server management panels allow a one-click mod install not how much mail. Instant setup Instant setup The very ging is mudi necestare follt Server or a little simpler to operate on the go – but everything is intuitively arranged beside the meather Windows)\s Highta acquire difficult tought. A 7 Days to Die server hosting providers, we make sure not here.

Modding guide

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How To Install Mods For 7 Days To Die

hey friends welcome back to another episode of darkness falls mod on seven days to die now this is gonna be fun alpha 19 here we're gonna dive back into it apparently it's a little tougher uh we're gonna go and i think take over a couple pois here and try to stay alive and get to the end game this time unfortunately alpha 19 weren't able to or alpha 18 we weren't able to do that but i really want to bring it home this time and finish this one off i'm pretty excited for this uh bigger and better things this time around anyway so we're going to be starting out with the game world darkness falls medium one which is a custom world with custom pois

uh the world size is 10 to 40 by 10 to not too bad it's good size uh so for our options we're going default for everything that's what the mod creator envisioned for the mod that's what i'm going to go with so you guys can see all the settings there for basic uh the only thing that's changed in advanced uh that the mod creator has by default is 64 enemies so we're going to be keeping it on that uh so we're going to be naming our game here uh darkness falls alpha 19 there we go dfa there we are all right so i gotta allow access here you guys can't see that's my first time running this perfect let's dive right into this all right and here we are jumping in the darkness falls so there is a little bit of a tale to this if you guys want to give it a quick read i recommend pausing the video here and doing that unfortunately i don't have the time to repeat the whole thing so we're going to continue on here and uh we're going to go right into our request it's asking us to open the backpack so

we're going to take that and we're going to place it on the ground there we go okay and it's open for us the backpack container tattered map looking at it comparing the landmarks you can see you notice something marked with an x the note is scrawled next to it saying white river maybe it's a settlement where you can be safe for a while okay cool so it's going to ask us to go directly to the trader no screwing around humber do we'll run directly over there so what i'm going to do on my way of course is collect all the resources punch bushes uh gather like all of our basics you guys kind of know how that goes you've all been to seven days to die uh let's get uh stuff in my inventory here all organized here we go well we'll just kind of keep that in there there we go we don't need to put that down yet either okay so we're going to head directly to the trader before doing anything else and putting down the backpack we're going to get settled in there i think for the first night and just kind of chill out with the trader

that's what we did in the first season and it kind of worked out well for us but that's one thing you really don't want to do uh full time it can get you into a lot of trouble that record the traders will get wrecked real fast all right there we go and uh bone knife i actually like using this for a weapon in this mod it doesn't use up very much stamina and it's really really quick all right let's uh let's get our move on well would you look at this it looks like we're back to our uh regular action here zombies everywhere guys we're on our way to the traitor uh i seen a survivor up there kill a zombie for us but i want to show you guys but there's a bear right there so i kind of had to take off and this this is darkness falls there are a lot of zombies so we're gonna keep our move on here go straight to the trader i want to make sure i'm settled and everything in there for the night and uh oh my god look at this i totally forgot about the bees uh they brought he brought back the bees and darkness falls i love it or the hornets these are actually hornets we've always called them bees it's a bad thing to do

7 Days To Die: How To Survive

uh those things will also give you honey by the way so it's in your favor to actually kill them if you can uh but we're gonna ignore those and we're just gonna keep running here let's get to that trader uh here we are we're running up on the trader now we got to be careful because oh my god there's a bear up there let's go around the other way um if there's zombies right behind you these guys with guns they don't care they're they'll shoot they don't give a crap uh oh what we should do is actually run real close to the building here that way we can i don't think we can get in the way of the gunfire imagine that being the first way i die on darkness falls is is by trader guards it wouldn't surprise me but there's one up there don't want to get in those guys ways here uh now these traders are not protected guys uh these zombies whoa that is not what i was going for these zombies can actually get through these traders so uh we gotta we gotta actually defend and stuff here so let's go ahead and uh fall back a little bit oh there's a oh there's a actual um survivor out there uh killing the zombies for us okay well let's go out and help defend here let's let's get a little action in i'm not going to get within uh her swinging radius because that's a little dangerous but she might come and help us with these guys here that might be a good thing i don't want to go too far out with these guys because uh yeah i really don't want to get shot up by the traders there we go take care of them for me awesome yeah this is how you do the apocalypse you hide while people do your dirty work for you uh now she's probably gonna die i'm assuming oh look at that oh off with her head nice well that was very useful thank you very much survivor uh you came to good use okay let's uh lock you in here and go and uh see that trader all right here we go uh we got a trader going on here uh so let's go ahead see his inventory i'm actually gonna sell off a bunch of this stuff like we definitely don't need this but we can use the coins so we're gonna sell that oh yeah a bunch of this all right give me a moment with this oh sounds like we got some action going on outside some angry wolves and stuff whoa whoa whoa holy crap

it made its way in and broke through the door and attacked me and these guys didn't give a crap there is so much going out there this is why i wanted to get here right away and start the clear out event uh let's go kill this wolf though i want it's damn meat come here come here you did some damage to me this one do you deserve right now wolf sweet some early easy meat from the wolf that's actually not too bad broke right through that door though oh crap is that a bear is that a bear no no that's not what's gonna happen here day one darkness falls okay here we go let's put a bed down go put the bed down oh wait i can't put it down there okay there we go i can put it down there it must have been because of the uh the slope lock uh but it sounds like there's a freaking bear down there how are we supposed to take care of that we can't take care of that uh what we can do though is take out this uh this staircase right here so they can't get up to me and uh see what happens that bear sounds very agitated right now oh my god guys i'm using a stone hammer this is to repair stuff what we got to do is actually make ourselves an axe wow i haven't even made a stone axe yet sharp rocks oh yes the process the process so we need to make two sharp rocks uh here we go just make one one sharp rock makes two out of one rock if you know what i'm saying anyway we got our sharp rocks going on let's go ahead and uh make our stone axe i was like this thing is going so slow noob move i did that every single time i started a new playthrough last time dude damn it okay there we go that's much better okay here we go so now we have a moment we're safe up here on the second floor-ish uh we have a blank class papers now we want to choose our class and get our quest going right away so this is the uh special thing about darkness falls a lot of mods have this but uh this is what separates it from vanillas you can actually choose uh classes to go so i'm definitely 100 going to be going into labor because that gives you all your good uh tools all your high-end titanium tools and stuff if we take a look at that it doesn't really tell you in the description here very much you actually have to go to the forum i think to read that or it could be in the journal too uh let's actually take a look at that and see if it's in there first before i say anything ah there we go yes other classes are in here see the labor class it gives you all the uh the stuff you get okay so uh it even tells you when you go through your quest exactly uh what you get from that all right so let's go ahead and uh craft another one here we're gonna go with mechanic because you know why i want vehicles and stuff and it's very useful i think this is exactly what we did last time around but it was uh it found that worked out for me really well now this game is also meant this mod is also meant to be played multiplayer too so you have different people who can focus on different things right away uh it's not too big of a deal you can build these papers and i think expand your classes later on uh correct me if i'm wrong but that's what we were working on

um last time we played so let's go ahead here craft the mechanic class there we go so we got two class books we're gonna go ahead and read the labor here and accept its quest uh class quest there we are and uh go ahead and uh do the same thing for mechanic here so we have uh both at the same time now uh we're not gonna do the uh mechanic quest right away it is asking us to build a stone axe which is kind of funny we just did that but whatever okay so for our um labor class here which is one we really want to get done it's asking us to uh gather resources here we need to gather some small stone some wood and uh some clay so clay i can dig up in here um on the overnight and kind of hide out and chill out um like i'm afraid oh there's there is there a basement to this place oh i totally forgot about that i haven't been to this poi i think in forever but anyway uh that's kind of creepy just waiting out there uh let's go here and just start to collect some resources you guys know how uh what the grind is like all right so taking a little bit of a break here i got some wood i got some stone haven't started clay soil yet but anyway uh we have two skill points to spend so i'm gonna go ahead i think and sink some right in the couch potato get that stamina regeneration right up and uh what's this from the shadows hide in the shadows 15 more efficiently noises from actions are muffled 15 i almost want to go sneaking in this play through i've never done that before but we're going to kind of leave that alone for now and just get our basics down so as you do things here uh you you level up your base stat one of one hundred so as you can see uh once we get to uh we can buy it oh wait can you can't buy a point what am i doing this is not available um better better stamina usage for jumping in better stamina regen for running so it's kind of like you know seven days a day used to be the more uh you would do things the better you get at them spam crafting that's where that kind of came from right uh so that concept has been come back so the more we run and stuff the uh the more we unlock so it's not just by spending skill points it's also by doing actions too so it's a mix of uh both uh so we're gonna que increase our wellness by 10 our minimus wellness to 60 increases maximum wellness by 20. okay so wow uh we're going to go ahead sing some points in that too we want to get our health stuff up right away i think holy cow look at all the cows it looks like that's is that oh that's a beef dog over there folks uh so just a small tip for you guys uh never take on a beef dog without a good heavy weapon like a gun or something because beef dog he doesn't like being attacked he will attack you back those little guys over there they're easy to take out they give you a good amount of meat so we're good to go and uh it looks like our actions have attracted some local zombies over here they're just kind of all milling the boat over there so i'm gonna kind of keep myself moving on here um i'm not really afraid of interactions with zombies but right now i'm more concerned about getting my basics together uh before i really go ham on zombies because killing zombies is fun but in seven or in um seven days a day darkness falls you want to actually uh maintain your your game stage too you don't want to go too crazy and level up too fast and then end up having a horde that just demolishes everything you have so it's a little bit of balance in the gameplay uh there's actual mods that reduce your uh your xp for mining in this game or in this mod wow i'm having a hard time separating mod from the original game here today there we go all right i'm going to keep uh smashing things pounding things and getting this damn quest done it's a little bit of a grind right off the bat all right so i made a new axe had to repair this one again anyways i made a new axe i did the mechanic quest and the second mechanic quest is to actually take apart a car uh so yeah that's why you can kind of see i wasn't really too concerned with that questline quite yet we'll get there uh very soon as soon as possible but uh not right now we still gotta get ourselves a ton of wood a ton of stone and a ton of clay soil i think we'll actually try to maybe go underground here on the overnight if everything's pretty quiet and uh take some stuff from underground oh my god look at that there's a workbench over there let's see if we can't sneak in here and and loot that see if it gives us anything nope no such thing as sneaking on seven days a day and at least not early game holy nurse there we go uh you really want to aim for the head guys that's that's a trick in this mod i do believe head shots are are kind of king they do the most damage and i think you get the most chance of getting a crit that way uh if i'm wrong on that two guys once again please do tell me in this mod guys keep an eye out uh if he hasn't changed it cars will set off car alarms every once in a while oh and hey look look at this can i get up there from the car oh maybe there's might be some decent loot for us up there if we can draw the zombies out um i kind of don't remember this house let's build a couple frames and check that out definitely a good space up here what do we have oh look at that we just have a hidden stash up here nice and easy look at that a pipe pistol day one looking good uh we got some scrap guns we've got some scrap iron arrows nice that's actually not a bad find that these aren't the best pistols ever but they they do they do get you of a bind if you get in one okay sweet well we'll call that a success uh let's continue on and uh get all those resources they've been asking us for oh crap we got a bee coming in here folks now these things are a little harder to holy crap look at that this horn it means business there we go nice let's get some honey from him i think we actually may have had our first wandering horde that i just seen there okay oh there we go the second or the the power action is actually a little so i think we had a wandering horde go by because i seen oh damn it look at that is he taking off or over here no freaking way no freaking way i hate those things those get you in so much trouble damn football players never up to any good is he coming at me i think it might actually be coming at that was intense what is he doing oh no he's just chilling out over there it looks like maybe he runs they kind of have a big wander path and maybe that's that's how he runs just in a big wander path like that boom there we go dispatched of him they're not hard one at a time but you get a whole bunch in one group and well uh you're done for okay uh crap you know what let's take care of this guy screw him he's gonna be taunting us this whole time anyway and i need the resources from over here so ah don't zigzag boom there we go ah looks like we may have called a b over oh no that's not a b that's okay though i could actually use another b ah sweetie drop some loot let's check it out oh we got a treasure map nice that's a nice little find we should do that asap too okay well let's get all the resources from here since uh i'm not really too worried about that football player anymore it looks like this guy's working his way over to me here sweet we finished the wood quest but i can still finish taking this tree down i can't see if i can't get a twofer with this one here there we go come on tree come on tree there we go ah missed them damn it i'm still pretty sure trees kill zombies once again guys if i'm wrong on anything here uh feel free to let me know down in the comments oh this guy's a fatty look at him taking a few head shots on that one okay so now we got two of them and that's where uh that's where things start to become a problem here so uh let's let's dispatch this woman here first yeah she's a little easier oh he's bleeding nice he's bleeding out a little bit uh so you can give zombies bleeds in this mod too so sometimes like if you give him a bleed just kind of back up a little oh damn he got a hit in there that was my bad on that animation uh it's been a little while since i played the uh the tap dodge game or the poke dodge because it's a better name for it all right so now we're down to just uh gathering small stone and uh gathering some clay soils so we we can do this out i guess we'll finish this off in a nice sunlight uh if i have to i'll just make myself a shovel too oh yeah and there's tomatoes too feel free to grab those when you see them all the time because uh they're a source of food i do believe you can eat those without getting food poisoning uh or there is a ten percent rotten food chance on these but i do think you can make a cabal of the tomatoes pretty early on that's uh really easy to do up oh and you don't need to hit plants either you can you can pick them up with the e buttons see it's got myself some potato all right i can't forget to make myself uh those good old bow and arrows here i guess it's about time uh let's go with arrows oh what can we not make oh you know what it is we cannot make stone arrows because we actually need to sharp rocks in order to have that okay so i'm gonna do up some arrows here and try to take out some animals while i'm out hunting too may as well get myself some meat uh food is big in this in this mod and for the arrow chefs we actually need to make sticks out of wood so there is that too oh there's a zombie over there taking on a wolf gonna have to watch out for that thank god that zombie uh warned me it was there but there we go making some uh real progress here uh let's get that bow equipped because there's a chicken over there and we can actually turn that into more arrows there we go what's up chickadee boom there we go perfect okay well this area still looks pretty decent to gather some stuff in uh where are you zombie i think he's on the other side of that fence over there i hope he is i need to get this chicken there we go whole bunch of feathers which is really good because we need tons and tons of arrows especially in this mod here uh there we are uh we'll make some more tonight i think we got more than enough uh to help defend ourselves i'd go for that deer but that wolf's kind of hun are hunting around over there so we're gonna completely ignore him oh look at this we got a whole bunch of zombies kind of chilling around the corner over here i think uh i think we could dispatch these guys if we're careful enough here we are i just i don't want to get in the way of the uh the traitor fire at like i said that that would be a real crappy way to die from your own friends instead of the zombies themselves not good at all all right let's get some bow action and see look at that look at look at the range look at the range those guys have they just took down that one zombie that was in behind and i could have just ran out to that guy got myself in trouble okay let's finish this guy off here with the uh knife there we go and he bled out i'd even have to hit him good thing i missed all right perfect okay let's uh let's keep going here is this what is this one here this one's actually just just a cow i don't think the cows attack you to be honest but um uh wait i think they do they're just not tough anyway we're gonna leave that cow there and uh head back towards the base here because it's a getting late guys look at that the sun the sun is uh right over there so it's a good time to go home here uh we can finish gathering the small stones down below and uh gathering our soil too i think down here or just from around the trader uh barely oh yeah look at this there's this whole area down here we can chill out in oh yeah we're good we're good we got a mine and everything at this trader this is sick oh can we steal this yeah look at that so candles guys very valuable at your own bases because candles don't call in screamers quite like a torch does so they're a little safer to use so uh when you're out in a boat grab as many candles as you can and they help keep that heat map down and look at that we got to destroy a chem station over here okay well i'm going to start i guess just kind of pounding out the wall here getting the rest of our stone together ah there we go so i gathered a little more dirt and as you can see we got a whole bunch of useful stuff we got a mining helmet damn right i'm gonna be wearing that look at that now we got a source of light pretty damn good we got some uh warren boots we got some denim pants let's put them on there there we go looking good looking fancy let's check them out yeah look at that look at that beard oh my god respect to people that can do that i've tried to grow a beard i can grow beard like physically but it's just mentally it's a lot of work i'm gonna say respect to those who can hold that together okay cool so we got all this done here everything is good to go and there is a chest up here i wonder what it is it's a wooden chest i was hoping it was a tazza's chest uh those are always pretty damn cool all right so it's obviously night time here let's get ourselves uh armed a little bit we have three bullets left in this thing which should be good enough to keep uh slow something down on our way oh wait it's not night time huh i thought it was felt like it but it definitely wasn't so we got that whole quest done before at night even happened which is pretty damn cool now we're hungry we're hungry as hell we have 43 coins on us which is uh not even enough to buy a simple can good here that's gonna do us any good uh we got some chicken soup so let's go to the trader here and uh sell off a few more things while he's no i'm talking to my people here on my uh on my youtube channel [ __ ] all right let's go let's go ahead and see his inventory here and sell off a few things like this baseball cap for instance oh wait wait wait this is darkness falls guys um dies here let's let's go ahead uh dyes are actually pretty valuable you kind of want to you want to hold on to those dyes there's dyes that you can turn into into black ink but i don't think the orange dye is one of them so we'll sell that off uh but you can separate the dye and actually sell it for a little more by the way useful useful little tip uh scrap gloves we're gonna get rid of those we're gonna get rid of these warm boots they're not as fancy as our other worn boots there we go look at that we're already bringing the coin here no problem so i'm gonna go through the rest of this get rid of all my junk and we should have enough just to buy us some basic food here for the night good luck with that all right there we go so let's go ahead and grab ourselves some canned goods here we got uh oh i thought i was seeing some good stuff in here but i guess not uh we got cans of mizu here they're not really uh great on the food i want food i don't really care about the water aspect here these uh cans of chili give uh 15 food 20 food poisoning though oh that's right they did flip it around that's one thing about this mod too the canned goods actually have a chance of uh food poisoning by the way which makes a lot of sense these campees 10 chance so you know what we're gonna go ahead and uh risk it with those what do we have here oh my god of course i got it of course i got food poisoning that 10 chance oh my god trader hugh your food sucks buddy uh what does he have here does he have any food available in here that we can eat just to get ourselves uh up basically uh this for 60. we can buy one grilled meat from him nice uh well we could buy two actually yeah you know what let's waste our money here and buy two pieces of meat see this is what he does he goes out he makes you sick with his vending machine and you have to come in that's a lot of bullets going off guys oh boy whoo that scares the crap of me because i know the size of the wandering hordes and stuff in this mod and they're just terrifying so let's stay up here for a little bit just kind of chill oh look we have a door up here and a balcony oh they can get up here through the balcony oh no i'm glad i came to saw this okay let's get rid of this part of the balcony here i want to i want to protect myself uh those zombies can get through those wood walls like nothing guys it's not a challenge to them at all so that was intense here those bullets go off and you just want to run and hide or some people might want to run into the action but i prefer not to all right so i just took the bed out over there for fun because i can my head lamps off uh let's go ahead here i think we can build ourselves a uh a campfire let's make that right away and see what we can actually make with the food that we have on us too here we go i'm gonna use that up damn it used up all of my freaking hunger too that sucks so much okay uh let's go ahead and get this down kind of kind of hard to talk over the uh the fire here but we'll do it and see what we can make okay so we can make a baked potato nice and easy you can eat that up and uh charred meat that's basically all we got at the moment here uh baked apples you need sticks and apples we don't have any apples there's some other basics here that we can make right away ah here we go that's right you can make uh cooked food uh with a can of masoor like the actual cans and the clay bowl but you need a cooking pot to make it yes and it doesn't appear that these are actually locked on you this time around so that's that's actually pretty fair i like that nice nice okay so you can make all your basics without having to like go to school for it you know what i mean awesome all right let's make some charred meat here that's delicious and uh we'll fill up our stomachs or at least try to all right we can make labels here in our inventories so uh this is something we could have done with the uh the food right away so mental note i could have spent less on the the canned goods in the the machine and just uh make labels so try to remember that next time anyway i think it's gonna be a lot of this going on tonight so we're just gonna chill out here for a little bit may as well loot this place up too we haven't uh gone through and looted at some kind of chill note that we got a cardboard box up here okay whatever i guess i'll uh scrap some of those down too okay and uh looking at the quest here these actually take a minute to uh to make some i'm gonna make one for now uh we gotta gather flakestone blocks which means we actually have to uh craft them so let's go ahead flagstone we should have enough on us here um oh cobblestone that's right so we need to make a hundred flagstone blocks so we're going to need 400 cobblestones so let's go to the cobble here and see if the skippy math works out so we're going to go 397 damn it we're just short on small stones oh no we're just short on clay soil we're going to need three more in order to make it but this stuff does take time to make so that's uh that's a good thing to do on the overnight here well we definitely have a few zombies chilling out down there um at the fence i can hear them banging on it uh the other thing actually while the cobblestone rocks are being made is i can do the uh the wood frame blocks we have to uh cr craft 200 wood frame blocks uh place 100 of them and upgrade 100 of them so we may as well do that in here i mean um i don't really we're not really going to be making our own base out of wood so uh we're good to go let's make some of those frames and just kind of fill in the time here because tonight's just going to be a a a crap show of bullet fire okay there we go so i've placed some wood frame blocks all i'm going to do is uh simply fill in up here i might actually use this as a home base of course as soon as i start talking they start firing again i might actually use this as a um a home base here so this is what the hammer is actually used for you use the hammer to uh repair and upgrade stuff and then use the uh the axe to destroy things so it makes a little more sense um i think that's how it should be in seven days of diet dude to be honest like you should be able to at least make like a wooden mallet or something you know what i mean uh but anyway continuing on i got a whole bunch of these frames to fill in as you can see it's not very difficult with the power attack uh we do need to take a look at our food very soon too again damn it uh it's running so low this is uh very unfortunate i got food so as it turns out i don't even have enough wood to do all the upgrades and everything in here so that's okay that's what our overnight's gonna look like that's uh that'll be it so what do these give us here they give us five food each well that's not even that much at all damn it oh well they'll still keep us alive here for a little bit at least we can sell some stuff back the trader all right here we go so i'm going to make a ladder coming up there we are now zombies might be able to get up that um probably not a good idea actually uh so i'll take that out and we'll replace the uh the bottom here with a frame actually wow it's right beside this vending machine oh yeah that's a bad area for it okay we're gonna have to fix that uh but i guess putting a hatch up here would also help too so whatever uh just small things small fixes to get us through uh the beginning here of this playthrough not really too concerned uh so let's go ahead and grab us uh the last of that uh soil that we need uh so we can finish our uh flakestone stuff and like i said unfortunately i've ran out of wood so we can't do anything so let's let's be really really quiet and see if we can't take down this tree by staying very quiet while taking down an entire tree there we go tree down let's go ahead and get our butts back up here there we are kind of a weird spot in the corner here yeah not a big fan of this actually we're gonna be changing that up uh asap but that'll do for now okay i'm gonna put a block there blog that off okay let's go ahead and uh finish up that flagstone oh we only have enough for eight we ran out of uh small stone damn it last oh look at that it's daytime oh that's sick okay we are good to go right on uh let's see the damage here from zombies on the overnight looks like they took out a block over there uh not too bad though it doesn't really look like they did too much we have a survivor still stuck in the door over there actually kind of i'm not gonna lie i kind of find that a little bit of muse a little bit amusing uh but we can get the stone we need actually out of here to finish that damn flagstone and then uh go get the wood outside uh but unfortunately guys once again i've ran out of time for recording this episode here it's good to be back too um it's uh i'm not gonna lie recording for an hour straight still a little tough but i'm enjoying it uh what i've been doing is playing a game half an hour here going and stretching and getting ready uh it's just it's not painful it's just it gets really stiff and kind of weird so it's going to take me a little while to get back into the groove but it's good to be back into the groove this is what i love doing is getting a little bit uh depressed not being able to express myself it's uh it's it's crazy how fast that happens it was only a couple weeks but oh my god anyway guys i've made it to the end of the video let me know down in the comments if you want to see more hit that like button and i'll see in the next one everyone stay classy and always survive no matter what you people say i'm gonna do my thing my way no matter what you people do i'm gonna do my thing much better than you. 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